Saturday, March 30, 2013

my best friend

Long time ago I never imagine that I will leave far away from my parents and my family. Malaysia is one of the country next to my home "Indonesia". Being struggle here make me understand how people can't leave alone. Stay with a lot of people prom Indonesia makes me learning many things that life is not easy. Most of them are TKI. Working for earning money for their family at home. Prefer living at the condition that I can call is not good enough but they never say that life is hard. They keep smile and face the day bravely. Sometimes hearing their conversation about their experience improve me to be much more adult become women also my husband become wiser than before. Studying is not only from the school but also environment. 
My husband is a university student at IIUM. As a student, He has much more time for gathering with me. New live as family makes us help each other difficulties. Here I know best that he is more than husband but also friend.

My best friend ever after